Portfolio item 10

Client: John Doe
Project: Breeze Corporate and Portfolio WordPress Theme
Expertise: Web Design/HTML and WordPress Development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra lobortis dapibus. Vestibulum et purus sed ipsum molestie blandit quis vitae quam. In et erat vel dui lacinia ultrices vitae in augue. Nunc erat est, pharetra ut iaculis at, posuere ac eros. Nullam eu enim ligula, mattis luctus augue. Phasellus eget egestas risus. Aliquam eget tortor a leo accumsan semper. Sed tincidunt fermentum lobortis. Vivamus volutpat volutpat diam non laoreet. Cras imperdiet sem felis. Praesent et tortor tortor.

5 Comments to Portfolio item 10

  1. I respectfully dreagise with the other advice here, suggesting you do it for free. You can, of course. And your objective should be to build up a portfolio.But your time is worth something. Further, if it were that easy, your clients would do their own fliers or business cards. They’re coming to you either because you have more expertise than they do, or you’re relieving them of a time-consuming burden, or both. Both of those are reasonable, legitimate reasons to charge for your services.The suggestion regarding GIMP is good. However, depending on what version of Office you have, I’ve done cards, fliers, and more using Publisher. Even PowerPoint offers some interesting capabilities.How much should you charge? Partly, it depends on what the market will bear. And it also depends on how much time you think you’ll have to deal with the designing phase and the customer-service phase. For the card, if you want cheap (call it value, not cheap ) try either $19.95 or $24.95. For a one-page flier, depending on its complexity, maybe something in the range of $24.95-$39.95.Hope that helps.

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