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7 Comments to YouTube Video

  1. okay you should plbabory go to the site because i don’t think this copied right but here ya go!46. LIVE PERFORMANCEFor a live performance of a play, a ballet, an opera, or a concert, begin with the title of the work performed. Then name the author or composer of the work (preceded by the word By ), followed by as much information about the performance as is available: the director ( Dir. ), choreographer ( Chor. ), or conductor ( Cond. ); the major performers ( Perf. ); the theater, ballet, or opera company; the theater and its city; and the date of the performance.Art. By Yasmina Reza. Dir. Matthew Warchus. Perf. Philip Franks, LeighLawson, and Simon Shephard. Whitehall Theatre, London. 3 Dec.2001.Cello Concerto No. 2. By Eric Tanguy. Cond. Seiji Ozawa. Perf. MstislavRostropovich. Boston Symphony Orch. Symphony Hall, Boston. 5Apr. 2002.

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  7. tape does not block the reception of IR

    tape does not block the reception of IR

    10-26-2013, 08:24 AM

    tape does not block the reception of IR

    this video shows how masking tape and other tapes do and do not block the reception of IR by a Laser Interceptor 8.9 heads, especially when the tape is only on the front of the LI head.


    11-28-2013, 07:59 AM

    Wonder how much it would decrease jamming preformence. Interesting video 🙂

    11-28-2013, 08:57 AM

    Masking tape being partially translucent would exhibit similar properties as

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